August is Children's Vision and Learning Month

Summer is the perfect time to see your optometrist.

 A comprehensive vision exam with a developmental optometrist is the first step to ensure your child's visual skills are ready for the coming school year!

Why "Vision & Learning"?

August was first declared Vision & Learning Month in 1995.  The overall goal of this national observance is to help increase awareness among parents and educators on the prevalence of un-diagnosed or misdiagnosed vision problems. 


Due to the incomplete nature of in-school eye screenings, many vision problems can be missed completely or misdiagnosed as other conditions like ADHD.Children who grow up with undiagnosed vision problems are often unaware that what they see is abnor…

Due to the incomplete nature of in-school eye screenings, many vision problems can be missed completely or misdiagnosed as other conditions like ADHD.

Children who grow up with undiagnosed vision problems are often unaware that what they see is abnormal, and that means they don't know to ask for help. The yearly Vision & Learning Month campaign encourages parents to take their children in for a comprehensive vision exam every year.

Children with vision problems that are not diagnosed and treated may struggle in school and often go on to be adults with the same vision problems--children do not "grow out of" these difficulties.

To locate a Developmental Optometrist in your area or for more information visit

Dr. Manisha Geiger is located in Scottsdale, AZ and has over 20 years experience in Developmental and Pediatric Optometry. Call Optimum Vision and Eye Care for an appointment 480-588-8858